樱花动漫 / 意大利动漫 /

皇家学院 第一季

皇家学院 第一季
原名: Regal Academy Season 1
别名: 富豪學院
地区: 意大利 年代: 2016 类型: 动作 动画 家庭 标签:
更新至 第52集完结

Rainbow, the studio who brought us the Winx Club phenomenon, has a magical new series heading to Nickelodeon next Spring! Welcome to Regal Academy, a special school for the grandchildren of the most famous fairy tale families in history. Rose Cinderella is an ordinary girl who finds out that Cinderella is her grandmother, one of the school’s five founding families. The founding families run the school, and try to run the lives of their grandkids, making sure that they’re living up to their destinies of becoming perfect Prince Charmings and Damsels in Distress. The entire fairy tale world is turned upside down when Rose Cinderella arrives at Regal Academy and alongside her new friends and classmates, Hawk Snowwhite, Travis Beast, Astroria Rapunzel, Violet LeFrog, and LingLing Iron Fan fight for a little more control over their destinies.
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