剧情简介:One day, a delicate ballerina named Olya meets the rough, surly boxer Evgeny. The contrast between their worlds and their philosophies is so sharp that even the ...
剧情简介:在南美某个安静祥和的小镇,少年阿玛迪奥(Rupert Grint 配音)痴迷于酒吧里的桌面足球,他出色的技巧赢得了女孩劳拉(Eve Ponsonby 配音)的放心,也击败了高傲自大的少年格罗索(Diego Ramos 配音)。 ...
剧情简介:不知从何时起,作为临时提高选手体能而研制的训练方式“技能卡片”演变成了正式比赛的规则,这个世界的足球开始和我们所知道的足球大相庭径,只有利用技能卡片的足球才被认为是正式的足球, ...
剧情简介:Play as one; think as one; win as one. The road to glory is walked as a pack. When the Mexicanine Republic becomes the host for the World Canine Cup, ...
剧情简介:Professional climber Sehyeon finds out about her pregnancy just before the World Championship. For her long-time aspiration as a climber, ...